Support PiAf

Your support enables bright, hardworking, recent college graduates to spend a year of service in Africa supporting our amazing fellowship organizations  – and to be forever changed themselves in the process.

By supporting Princeton in Africa, you are not just impacting the life of one individual, but lives within our own communities and across the continent of Africa. Thank you!

Donate by Credit Card or Paypal

Make a direct donation or a donation on behalf of a friend using Visa, Discover, Mastercard or AmericanExpress here. To maximize your donation you can elect to cover the processing fee. 

Donate by Check

Checks made payable to Princeton in Africa can be mailed to:

Princeton in Africa
Louis A. Simpson International Building
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544

Matching Gifts

Please consider a matching gift: did you know that many companies match donations made by their employees to our organization? Consider a matching gift today and double or triple your impact! Please visit your company’s website to determine whether your gift is eligible for a corporate match.

Donate Stock & Securities

Please learn more about stock donations to PiAf here or contact our office by phone (609.258.7215) or email ( for more information.

Donate Extra Frequent Flyer Miles

Do you have extra frequent flyer miles that you are unable to use? Contact the PiAf office to see if Fellows or staff can use the miles for our fellowship program’s domestic or international travel.

Donate In-Kind Items

We welcome in-kind donations in good condition (such as office equipment and supplies or books and travel guides for our PiAf Africa Resource Library).


We welcome organizations to include us in their estate documents. In order to make a bequest, you should speak with your attorney. Your attorney can help you include a bequest to Princeton in Africa in your estate plan. Should you wish to discuss this with us, please call us at 609-258-7215, send us an email at, or navigate to our staff page to contact a specific staff or board member. 

Build Our Network

Do you know of an organization doing great work in Africa that you think would be a good host organization for PiAf and future Fellows? Can you put us in touch with contacts in Africa or people who have an interest in Africa? Can you suggest potential sponsors for our annual benefit or fellowship posts? We look forward to expanding our network! Please email