Fellows Reports Database

Please read the below usage information before accessing PiAf Fellows’ reports.

A collection of reports from former and current Princeton in Africa Fellows can now be accessed online HERE.

(Please note you must email the PiAf office at piafapp@princetoninafrica.org for the login information to access these reports.) Only the most recent Fellows’ reports are available, as our fellowship posts evolve from year to year.

Each Princeton in Africa Fellow is required to submit a 3-month, 6-month and final report documenting everything from travel logistics to workplace tasks and supervision. We highly suggest that you read through the Fellows’ reports to help you get a clearer idea of the range of PiAf fellowship posts that exist. Remember, each Princeton in Africa fellowship is unique, as is each Fellow’s individual experience.

Not every fellowship post you see listed on the PiAf website will have a corresponding report in the database. Some fellowship posts are new in the current fellowship year and reports have not yet been submitted for those positions, or some might only have 3 and 6-month reports available. Please use the “Directory” field within the database to find 3-month, 6-month, and final reports; you can select “-” in the “Directory” field to see all reports for a given post. Also, please understand that these exact fellowships might not be available in the next fellowship year—these reports are meant to give you a better idea of the general PiAf fellowship experience.

We are happy to provide these reports as a resource for those interested in our fellowship program, but we ask that you follow a few guidelines when accessing these reports:

Please do not contact our fellowship organizations about these posts. Our fellowship positions are formatted specifically for Princeton in Africa and a great deal of time and effort goes into the establishment of PiAf fellowships on both sides (Princeton in Africa and our fellowship organizations). Neither of us will appreciate you attempting to contact them directly.

Please do not contact current or former Princeton in Africa Fellows about these posts. We have removed identifying information from these reports so that our busy Fellows and alums can focus on their fellowship work, grad school or other personal priorities. The PiAf staff is happy to answer applicants’ questions about our fellowships. If a candidate successfully completes his or her interview and is offered a fellowship position, s/he will then be put in touch with a current or former Fellow to hear a Fellows’ perspective and have any final questions answered.

Please do not share these reports. Reports are password-protected because we prefer that only interested applicants access our former and current Fellows’ reports detailing their fellowship experiences. Princeton in Africa asks that you contact us directly for information on logging in to view our Fellows’ reports. Those who contact us will be added to our email list and will be updated on information on applying to fellowships, interviewing and more.