Fellow Support

Medical Insurance and Emergency Assistance while on site

Princeton in Africa provides basic supplemental medical insurance as well as medical evacuation and security evacuation insurance coverage through Cultural Insurance Services International (www.culturalinsurance.com) through the “World Class Coverage Plan.” All Princeton in Africa Fellows are also provided with membership benefits from International SOS (www.internationalsos.com), which provides emergency assistance services as well as informational briefings and support with questions related to health, safety, and security.

Mental Health Support

Princeton in Africa is partnered with International SOS to provide our Fellows with mental and emotional health counseling through their Workforce Resilience Solutions Program.

Princeton in Africa is dedicated to the full health and wellbeing of our Fellows but understands the sensitive nature of issues one may face while living and working abroad. PiAf staff members are always here to speak to, but we recommend using this professional and ever-available resource if you are overwhelmed. This service is entirely confidential, and the counselors are independent of Princeton in Africa.

Check-ins with staff

PiAf program staff are available via email, phone, and video call to support Fellows as they work through any challenges that arise in the workplace, such as figuring out how to be more productive if their job description is not as clear as planned, strategies to deal with transitions in the office if a supervisor leaves, or figuring out how to navigate working in a different culture. Staff support Fellows by sending check-in emails to each Fellow, hosting WhatsApp calls, and meeting with Fellows individually during Orientation, the Retreat, and site visits.

Alumni Mentorship

Created by the PiAf Alumni Network, the Princeton in Africa Alumni Mentoring Program serves as a resource and additional support system for PiAf Fellows. Many participants have found this program rewarding, as it establishes meaningful connections across PiAf classes by pairing current fellows with alumni. Alumni help Fellows navigate current fellowship posts, provide career or personal advice, and more!

Alumni-Led Affinity Groups

PiAf Affinity Groups were designed so that Fellows could have the support of designated alumni, as well as one another when it comes to personal and professional challenges and/or opportunities they encounter that might be related to certain aspects of their identities.

Our organized affinity groups include:

Each group will have one designated alum to lead an introductory session and who they are free to reach out to throughout the year. After the introductory meeting, each group will be led by a current Fellow for the remainder of the year. Conversations held within these groups are private as long as nothing discussed reveals any sort of health, safety, and security emergency for a Fellow. Alumni facilitators will encourage Fellows to reach out directly to staff if any significant issues arise.

Over the last few years, our affinity groups have acted as great support systems for our Fellows, creating a space for open and honest discussion, and forging bonds between Fellows and alumni.